28 June 2013

Green Poppies

My heart beats fast when I see these kind of combinations! They seem perfect for every girl. The star of this look is definitley the green Chanel clutch that is going to be on my wishlist and
stay there for a long time I think, I know you can understand why...
I adore total white looks, that is not the case, but the pencil skirt (which I think it's one of the mosts sexiest peace of clothe a woman can wear because it's high waisted and it shapes the body in a elegant way without showing the whole leg) and the crop top go well with some golden bangles and also a gold ring, discret but almost essencial (I can go out without accesories)!
The sandals are beautiful with some apointments of gold to match the jewelery and really fresh

27 June 2013

Feline power grrr

Got this glasses for my birthday, a gift from my brother. Aren't they awesome? In general I don't

25 June 2013

Oh my frozz

Passei um óptimo dia com uma amiga a usufruir do meu primeiro dia de férias e de verão mas estava demasiado calor esta tarde em Lisboa uff por isso tivemos de aproveitar para um lanche saudável e comprar um iogurte gelado com kiwi

16 June 2013

Here comes the sun

I chose a look total white with some pink and blue trying to call spring but besides my new hat it starts to rain! And now I have two hats in one picture!

Escolhi um look completamente em branco com apontamentos de rosa e azul para ver se conseguia chamar a Primavera para mim mas apesar de ter tirado da caixa o meu novo 

15 June 2013

New items for summer! Hat and brazilian bikini

 Hey girls! Days ago I was shopping and these are some things I bougth. The heat has not arrived yet but I'm wishing that summer doesn't last long to come! It's my favourite season!
So I am already getting prepared for beach time!
You can find the hat at C&A and with different colors but

13 June 2013

New biiig haircut :D

Hey!! Yesterday I went to the hairdresser and this is the result! 
I was really bored with my hair! Long time I didn't change my look! And when I go to the hairdresser it's for real! Another big cut. I really don't like hairdressers so the less times I have to go, better.
The result was really what I desire :) Pratical, stylish, cute, fresh and a bit crazy! 

Olá!! Ontem fui ao cabeleireiro e este foi o resultado!

9 June 2013

Wishlist - H&M Dress

Completamente apaixonada por este vestido! Estava a sair da H&M quando a minha mãe me chama e me mostra esta maravilhosa peça de arte! E de repente, já estava eu a jurar que ia voltar para o comprar :P 
Para mim as costas são uma das partes sensuais de uma mulher e eu adoro vestidos que realmente as permitam mostrar. Quanto à parte da frente, também é bonita, pena é eu não ter muito peito :P

I'm totally i love with this dress! I was leaving from H&M when my mother calls me and show me this wonderful piece of art! And I suddenly swear that I was going to shop it later :P 
For me, the back of a girl is really sensual and I love dresses that can show it. The front part is pretty too, it's a pitty that I don't have a lot of breast :P


5 June 2013

Disney Collection Chopard

Desta vez a inspiração para a Chopard partiu das princesas da Disney. Em colaboração com os armazéns Harrods, esta colecção excepcional mostram-nos a história de cada uma destas princesas, uma história que pode ser partilhada com cada uma de nós, porque todas as mulheres são princesas que merecem lindas jóias.
Deixo-vos com algumas destas lindas peças :)

This time the inspiration for Chopard were the Disney Princesses. In colaboration with Harrods, this excepcional collection show us the history of wich of this princesses, a history that can be shared with each one of us, because every woman is a special princess that deserves beautiful jewels.
I leave you with some of these beautiful pieces :)

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